miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

Post 6: Summer plans

My favorite time of the year had always been summer and the vacations, so much to choose from. However, the summer that is about to arrive will be different, because we`re in a complicated global context. At times it makes me very sad to know that there`s the possibility of continuing to be locked up at home, missing my family and friends, but I believe that it can be an opportunity to reconnect with our inner selves and rest for a moment from the virtual life of the last few months.

If everything goes well, I would like to be able to go to the beach with my family and my boyfriend, to the Central Coast. No doubt I`ll miss camping in the south of Chile, but it`ll be for the next vacation, since for now we have to take care of ourselves. Also, I hope to be able to meet up with my friends that I haven't seen for months; I miss them a lot.

I was thinking of remodeling my room, painting it and changing some of the decorations to I feel new and renewed energies. In addition, to taking up sewing again and maybe enrolling in some online course in the area.

I also intend to read several of the books I`ve pending, some are about feminism and others about history, maybe which can be considered as a summer study. 

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

Post 5: TV shows and series

There`re various series that I like them very much, I don't know how to decide on one to be "my favorite". I like "Velvet", "Anne with and E", "Cable girls", among others. However, all they`ve something in common, women characters who manage to overcome different obstacles in different times, that is to say, they`re series with a feminist perspective and... I love them for that.

I like that type of series, because I think all women at some moment in our lives have been discriminated in a certain way just for the simple fact of being women in this very patriarchal world, dominated by men for centuries. I watch those series, in which their empowered protagonists achieve what they set out to do, despite the multiple problems that cross their path, and give me the courage to face the difficulties that I face as a woman, I think: "If they could, so I can too".

The truth is that there`re various series that I`d like to see, which I hope to see during the summer holidays, for example "The Crown" and "Enola Holmes". In addition, there`re various others that have recommended me and that I will try to give them a chance, such as "Dark" and "BoJack Horseman".  (I would appreciate it if you could recommend me other series, despite their "type").


Post 6: Summer plans

My favorite time of the year had always been summer and the vacations, so much to choose from. However, the summer that is about to arrive w...